Advance Tickets On-line

by Ariane ~ March 1, 2012

giverny-springtimeMonet’s House and Garden at Giverny will open in exactly one month, on April 1st. You can already buy your admission tickets on-line, by following this link.
It is wise to buy your ticket in advance, because lines can be long sometimes, especially on sunny days.
In 2012, the admission fare at the till is 9 euros for an adult, 5 euros for young people between 7 and 25 (free for kids up to 6 years old). For an e-ticket you will pay an extra cost, but it is not expensive.
You can book your admission for any day from 1st April to 1st November, 2012. Fondation Monet is open 7/7. The best day to come is generally Wednesday. The best time: late afternoon, after 4.00pm, on week-days, because most visitors leave early to get back to Paris.
Or, on week-end, a good tip is to come early in the morning. With your e-ticket you can get in as early as 9.15am.
When in Giverny, make your way to the Group Entrance with your advance ticket, (not the individual entrance, because it is for people who don’t have their ticket). The Group Entrance is located at the bottom of the garden in a small lane called ruelle Leroy. It is next to the road D5 coming from Vernon.
You will show your e-ticket to a security member, and in you are! It is only a few steps to the water garden.
I really recommend purchasing e-tickets, because many people are very surprised to see how busy Giverny is. 611 000 visitors came in 2011, all of them within 7 months only!
To make most of your time and enjoy the very special atmosphere of Monet’s gardens, choose carefully the day of your visit. Unless it rains, you can expect crowds on long week-ends in Spring like Easter, 1st and 8th of May, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday. Your vacation time is short, it is not fun to waste it queuing.

27 Responses to “Advance Tickets On-line”

  1. TY Says:


    I was just wondering if I can still visit Monet’s House and Garden in late March, 2012.


  2. Ariane Says:

    Thomas, Monet’s gardens are closed until 31st March, to bad! The first day is April 1st.

  3. Terry Benske Says:

    Hello, We live in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA. We are interested in painting the exterior of this home the same as Giverny’s. How can we find out the name of the manufacturer of the paint and the names of the 3 colors. Green, pink and the trim seems to be a white of a cream color.
    We thank you very much for your time,
    Terry and Jack Benske

  4. Ariane Says:

    Terry, it will probably be complicated to order from a French manufacturer, but I recommend a good book, Monet’s House by Heide Michels, on which you will find strokes of colors for each room and for the facade. You can rely on them to have a customised color prepared by your nearest painting shop. I would be happy to receive a picture of the finished facade! Bonne peinture !

  5. Betty Bowen Says:

    Ariane, I enjoy your blog very much. I am visiting in June for two days. I’ve written to the foundation for permission to paint after hours either day, so I hope they will say yes!

    Here in Oklahoma our spring started a month early, and we did not have winter, so it will be very interesting to see what happens with our gardens.

  6. Judy James Says:

    Does anyone know the name of the highly fragranced yellow azalea on the left hand side of the path from the entrance?

  7. Ira Graham Says:

    We will be visiting Paris Sept 3,2014 to Sept 7,2014 and would appreciate information regarding train to Giverny and details how to get from the station in Giverny to Monet’s garden. Is the Tera museum of Art still ope?
    Ira Graham

  8. Peter Panetta Says:

    I wil in Giverny in late january, 2015. Is it open then? I will also be there in late February???

  9. Ariane Says:

    Unfortunately not. Giverny opens the last week-end of March 2015.

  10. Cyd Wilson Says:

    I would like to buy tickets for April 10, 2018, however the dates are not highlighted for April. Is the museum closed. It had tickets available for March and May, but April is not available for purchase.

  11. Cyd Wilson Says:

    Can I buy tickets for April 10, 2018? Digitick has April closed.

  12. Ariane Says:

    Yes, April isn’t available yet. I suppose it will be online soon. Try again in a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  13. Julia Kim Says:

    Is there additional fee for changing the dates?
    My trip for Paris is for 8 days, June 29th to July 6th, I do not know if the weather will be good on that day.
    Can I book a ticket one day before?

  14. Ariane Says:

    There is a limited amount of e-tickets for sale, and you are visiting in high season. If you don’t want to buy your admission ahead of time, you can also buy it on site, but be prepared to stand in line. I wish you a nice time at Giverny.

  15. Rosemary Goniea Says:

    would like tickets for July 3 2018 afternoon preferred

  16. Ariane Says:

    Rosemary, you can order your tickets online. Just click on the green sign and follow the instructions. Have a nice time at Giverny!

  17. Jane Courant Says:

    When I try to purchase online it automatically specifies 9:30 and doesn’t allow me to choose another time. Is my ticket good all day for what ever time I arrive?

  18. Ariane Says:

    Yes, don’t worry, all the tickets have the same time written but you can arrive at any time. Have a nice visit.

  19. Clive Horbacki Says:

    All I want to do is to buy a tickey. Why is this so difficult?

  20. Ariane Says:

    Probably because the tickets are sold out for the next days. Easter is a long week-end. Giverny will be very busy. The website works perfectly, hundreds of people buy their tickets on line every day. Enjoy your time in France!

  21. Grace Says:

    Bonjuor! My tickets says 9:30am, is it good any time during the day? Best regards

  22. Ariane Says:

    Your ticket is good to enter the grounds at any time in the morning from 9.30 am til 12.30 pm. It is not valid for the afternoon.

  23. Phil Ford Says:

    So if you buy a 9:30 am ticket, you have to enter before 12:30, but can you then stay there until closing or do you have to leave by 12:30?

    Many thanks for your help,

  24. Ariane Says:

    You can stay until closing time (6 pm) in any case. But picnics are not allowed in the gardens.
    Enjoy your time at Giverny.

  25. Ariane Says:

    You can stay until 6 pm with any ticket.

  26. Markeeta Brown Says:

    The only time we can visit Giverny during our trip is the morning of April 1, 2020. Can you please tell me how soon those tickets will be available, and on which sites?

  27. Ariane Says:

    The tickets are for sale in March. You can also buy them at the entrance. The first day is generally a calm day at Giverny.

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