Rose Garden

by Ariane ~ June 6, 2008

Monet’s garden at Giverny is full of roses.

It is not a proper rose garden, for there are also many other sorts of flowers, but nonetheless it is gorgeous in May and June when the roses are in bloom.

They are everywhere, weeping from the umbrella like structures, climbing on trellises, on fences, on trees, on the facade of the house, wrapped around tripods, in bunches, or among peonies and sweet rocket in the mixed borders…

All sorts of colors can be seen, pale cream, pure white, soft yellow, many pinks, red, orange… Not all of them are simple roses but many are scented. Light and delight.

4 Responses to “Rose Garden”

  1. theresa Says:

    what is the purple rose that is growing at Giverny

  2. Marlene Says:

    Hi Theresa,
    I have spent the last 6 months trying to find out the same. I would also like to know the name of the beautifully scented orange rose planted near the pen where the chickens & turkeys are kept. If anyone can help identify these two roses I would really appreciate it.
    Many thanks in anticipation,

  3. Ariane Says:

    The purple rose is “Rhapsody in Blue”.

  4. Marina Says:

    I wonder what is the name of the rose growing on the umbrella trellis? It is absolutely stunning!

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